
  • Etckeeper is a tool designed to help you manage and track changes to your configuration files in the /etc directory. Using Git as its backend, Etckeeper allows you to version control your configuration files, making it easier to monitor and revert changes if necessary.
  • In this guide, I will show you how to set up Etckeeper on your system and start tracking changes to your configuration files.

Step 1: Install Etckeeper

  • The first step is to install Etckeeper on your system. You can do this by running the following commands:

    • For Debian/Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install etckeeper
    • For RHEL/CentOS/Fedora:

      sudo yum update
      sudo yum install etckeeper


Step 2: Initialize Etckeeper

  • Once Etckeeper is installed, you need to initialize it by running the following command:

    sudo etckeeper init


  • This will create a new Git repository in the /etc directory and start tracking changes to your configuration files. If you want to take a snapshot for daily autocommit, you can run the following command:

    sudo systemctl enable --now etckeeper.timer


Step 3: List Etckeeper Commits

  • The timer in the previous step will create an initial commit at the beginning and continue to create auto-commits based on changes at certain times of the day. To check the status of your commits, you can run the following command:

    sudo etckeeper vcs log


Step 4: Create and Check Manual Commits

  • In this step, I will install nginx package and create a manual commit to track the changes. You can do this by running the following commands:

    • For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems:

      sudo apt-get install nginx
    • For Red Hat-based systems:

      sudo yum install nginx


  • After installing the package, you can check the status of your changes by running the following command:

    sudo etckeeper vcs status


  • To create a manual commit, you can run the following command:

    sudo etckeeper commit "feat: install nginx package"


  • Now, you can check the status of your commits by running the following command:

    sudo etckeeper vcs log


  • If you check a specific file, you can run the following command: (For example, to check the changes in the /etc/passwd file)

    sudo etckeeper vcs diff HEAD~1 /etc/passwd


(Optional) Step 5: Connect Etckeeper to a Remote Repository

  • If you want to store your configuration files in a remote Git repository, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Create a new private repository on GitHub or GitLab.


  • Add the remote repository to your Etckeeper configuration by running the following command:

    sudo etckeeper vcs remote add origin <repository-url>    #~ add your repository url
    sudo etckeeper vcs remote -v                             #~ check the remote repository


  • Push your changes to the remote repository by running the following command:

    sudo etckeeper vcs branch -M main                       #~ change the branch name to main
    sudo etckeeper vcs push -u origin main                  #~ push the changes to the remote repository



    If you are using etckeeper on multiple machines, I recommend using hostname or machine-id as the branch name. Or you can use hostname to create multiple git repositories.

  • Now, your configuration files will be stored in a remote Git repository, allowing you to access them from anywhere.



  • Etckeeper is a powerful tool that allows you to track changes to your configuration files in the /etc directory. By using Git as its backend, Etckeeper makes it easy to monitor and revert changes when necessary. In this guide, I showed you how to set up Etckeeper on your system and start tracking changes to your configuration files.
